The idea came about last spring, when the Fastems team was thinking of ways to provide young talents with a chance to learn more about technology and automation, and to show what kind of career possibilities technology companies like Fastems have to offer. A few months later, Technology Trainee Week for 14-17 year old technology-oriented students was successfully organized for the first time – but what was done?
The week’s program consisted of getting to know the different functions at Fastems, experimenting with VR, learning about robot programming, FMS/MMS-training, dashboard planning and of course a company visit. On the first day our trainees shared their expectations about the upcoming week:
“We are here to find out what Fastems is really about. Today we got to know the building, see different functions, and experience virtual reality. The best part of the day was trying VR and the games that we got to play. It was fun and a new experience for most of us.”

Although some of the trainees had tried programming before, robot programming was something completely new. In addition to virtual reality, it was one of the most liked activities of the week.
“I expected robotics to be more difficult to understand, but the basics were actually quite simple. I learned a lot about programming and I also got a better understanding of what Fastems does.”
“What I liked most was that I had the support of the other trainees, and that the people who taught us explained everything in a way that was easy to understand.”

The Technology Trainees were a tight group of six, which made teamwork an essential part of the experience.
“The week was really fun and informative. I got to know more about the company and I made new friends.”
“I learned how important teamwork really is, and that we can achieve much more when we do things together.”
Seems like our Tech Trainees gained a bunch of new experiences and had the chance to learn by doing – which was the goal of our pilot. Fastems is excited to develop Trainee Weeks like this further, and to enable even more young talents to learn about technology again next summer!