Paddy Affolter: “Complete Customer Dedication”
Service is the first line of contact for Fastems’ customers when problems pop up, and luckily for them, Paddy Affolter – a Services/Robotics Engineer at Fastems LLC-, well, he loves solving problems.

Paddy is a Services/Robotics engineer. In his 1.5 years at Fastems so far, he has already helped countless people get their systems up and running again.
Paddy Affolter is a guy who is seriously dedicated to customers. He has a passion for figuring out complex problems and has a knack for hands-on learning. He started off at a technical university working on cars, then worked extensively with FANUC robots, before finding new and exciting challenges at Fastems.
“I wanted more exposure, more experience. I really wanted to challenge myself in some different ways, and I found an opportunity to to work with Fastems in the Teleservice department.”
And though working in service is not an easy job, Paddy has been up for it since day 1. “What I really enjoy about working in Teleservice is and how that’s really shaped my career in Fastems is just how challenging it is! Experiencing all sorts of different issues and really pushing myself to try and find solutions and think creatively in ways that maybe I’m not so used to – or exploring different options that I might not have as much experience in”.
Paddy likes solving problems, and at Fastems, his passion is fulfilled.
“I love when something comes together and there’s a good solution. That’s what really drives me and pushes me forward to achieve results and show up at work with an A+ attitude every day. I love it when a plan comes together and everything happens smoothly, and especially when we can get customers back to work making parts. That’s so satisfying! And it’s really fulfilling.”
Another aspect that makes Paddy excited for work is the tight-knit community that Fastems LLC offers, in which he can be good friends with not only his colleagues but also his boss, Nathan Turner (President of Fastems LLC).
“We’re kind of a smaller company, but we really punch above our weight and I think a lot of that has to do with the quality of our community and of the people that work here for sure.”
As a service engineer, Paddy is forward customer facing, and even more so especially when things are going wrong at the customers’ sites. Therefore, it is important for him to be positive and be available for the customer with a can-do attitude. That being said, Paddy believes his work aligns with building customers’ confidence in Fastems and at the same time extending the lifecycle of Fastems’ systems for our customers.
“If I represent Fastems in a good way and let the customers know the the after-sales support is still there, the service to extend the life of the system is still there, they’ll come back to us for upgrades, for service, and we can extend the amount of time that the systems are in production.“
When asked to describe his work at Fastems in three words, Paddy without hesitation answered:
“Complete customer dedication”.
And it only makes sense. Watch the video below to meet Paddy and listens to his sharings as a Fastemsian working for Fastems LLC, USA.