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One of the most common questions we are asked at Fastems, is how to best implement a new Fastems factory automated system? This is an excellent question, because the successful implementation is a critical ingredient necessary for successful onboarding and utilization.  There are aspects in terms of implementation to remember, so here are a few critical keys to successfully implementing any Fastems system.


1. Culturally

When introducing factory automation, it’s important to remember the cultural implications of launching a new system. While the end results are positive, unfortunately not everyone always embraces the technology with open arms. Therefore, it’s essential that company leadership explain What’s happening and Why. This will help ease the tension and trepidation often associated with the new technology. Change is often uncomfortable yet inevitable, however, when clearly explained, it’s easier for employees to understand and accept. When the goal of 24/7 automation is clearly introduced and explained, employees begin to “buy-in” to the process and accept the changes.


2. Technologically

Manufacturing is another industry that is experiencing radical technological advancements, especially with the use of robotics! It’s important that employees remain open to stepping out of their comfort zone and learn new skills. This can prove to be a challenge and rather daunting, which is why we offer Fastems training and support. Here, we’re able to help customers develop the skills necessary to quickly master using Fastems systems.


3. Operationally

Successful implementation requires rethinking the way production has traditionally been done. With the help of Fastems MMS scheduling software, customers can now schedule and plan production jobs more efficiently to maximize spindle time. Rather than sticking to the “status quo” of doing production, Fastems MMS software does the scheduling for you. However, fully trusting and applying these features in production is an issue we often see. Luckily, the Fastems consultation team does an excellent job of assisting companies address these issues. Combined with providing an effective plan to facilitate successful implementation factory-wide, production will boost as quickly as possible.

Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, these are some of the most critical factors to keep in mind when ramping up a new Fastems FMS system. Historically, we’ve seen tremendous results from customers that are aware of these key ingredients and properly address them in the automation process.

We welcome your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and let us know what questions or comments you might have!