Tool Management Thursday: The Best Practices & Automation
Learn About the Best Tool Management Practices and Tool Automation

Booth Program Thursday 12 Sep
11.00-11.15 Teemu-Pekka Ahonen: The Best Tool Management Practices and Tool Automation
14.00-14.15 Teemu-Pekka Ahonen: The Best Tool Management Practices and Tool Automation
Machine stops due to tool shortages? Scrap or spindle crashes due to tool loading errors? Low machine utilization due to short tool lives? Lot of resources needed for tool change and renewal work? Welcome to Fastems Tool Management Thursday to learn the best cutting tool management practices, step by step.
We will also present tool automation solutions for tool magazines, and live-demonstrate our brand new Turret Tool Changer concept for turning machine tools.
Learning Sessions: What Are the Best Tool Management Practices and How to Automate Tool Processes?
Join our 15-minute learning sessions to learn a 4-step approach to efficient cutting tool management in a machining environment. Starting from turning your tool setup process predictive and automating tool data transfers, ending up to highly automated tool sharing and reworking, you can increase your machine spindle utilization and save significant time by re-thinking your tool processes! In the end of presentation you will see a live demo of our new tool changing concept for machine tool turrets.
Join one of the demo sessions and learn:
- How to recognize tool bottlenecks in machining environment?
- How to turn tool setup work predictive and avoid machine stops?
- How to eliminate errors in tool loading with a tool presetter and automatic data transfer?
- How to share and transfer cutting tools between machining centers automatically, and achieve high spindle utilization in high tool demand?
- How to automate tool changes in a lathe tool turret?

Presentations on Thursday 12 September at 11.00 and 14.00, booth A43 in Hall 10! You can also book your own demo by selecting suitable time from our calendar.

NEW! Turret Tool Changer

We are glad to announce the world premiere of Turret Tool Changer, our new tool automation concept for turning machine tools, in AMB 2024. The concept removes the need to manually change and measure cutting tools inside a turning machining center, saving both time and money – and increasing the machining time. The demo system is available at Fastems booth through the whole AMB, stop by and check it out!

Teemu-Pekka Ahonen, Product Manager of Turning Automation & Integrated Robotics
Teemu-Pekka Ahonen has over 16 years of experience in industrial robotics and flexible automation. Being responsible for Fastems’ MMS controlled robotic machine tending solutions and integrated robotics, he is motivated by the many opportunities flexible robotics and novel software solutions bring to improving the efficiency and profitability of high-mix machining and manufacturing.

Reserve Your Own AMB Demo!
To book your own demo session with us in AMB, select a time from the below Calendly calendar – or email us at service.marketing(at)fastems.com.
Fastems Automation Success Showcase at AMB
In addition to flexible automation systems for milling and mill-turn machining centers, Fastems is presenting its full offering portfolio including automation for multi-tasking lathes, turn-mill machine tools and non-machining processes; various digital manufacturing solutions and productivity-enhancing services. Check our showcases, other theme days and learning sessions at booth A43 in Hall 10 here.
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